Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

Bagaimana Mungkin Allah Terhijab Dari Kita

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهو الذى اظهر كل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa sesuatu dapat menghalangi Dia / menjadi hijab bagi (لله) padahal Dia-lah Yang menampakkan segala sesuatu. (atas apa yang Ia sinarkan sehingga tampaklah seluruh alam yang semula tidak ada menjadi wujud)

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهو ظهر بكل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia-lah Yang tampak dengan segala sesuatu. (Sehingga dari sesuatu yang wujud, orang-orang dapat mengambil dalil akan adanya لله), sebagaimana firman لله SWT,

سنريهم آياتنا في الآفاق وفي انفسكم

Akan Kami perlihatkan kepada mereka ayat-ayat Kami pada setiap ufuk dan pada diri kamu sekalian.

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهو ظهر فى كل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia tampak di dalam segala sesuatu. (karena sesungguhnya Dia bermanifestasi di dalam segala sesuatu dengan segala kebagusan sifat-sifat-Nya dan asma-asma-Nya).

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهو ظهر لكل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia-lah yang tampak bagi segala sesuatu. (di dalam mengkondisikan segala sesuatu sehingga semua yang ada tunduk dan sujud kepada-Nya, bertasbih dengan me-Maha Sucikan-Nya, akan tetapi kita tidak faham dengan tasbih dan tahmid mereka).

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهو ظاهرقبل كل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia telah ada sebelum adanya segala sesuatu. (sebagaimana aktualisasi nama-nya Yang Maha Azali dan Yang Maha Abadi)

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهو اظاهر من كل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia lebih tampak daripada segala sesuatu. (Karena Yang wujud sudah pasti lebih tampak daripada yang ‘adam / tidak wujud pada segala keadaan, vsebagaimana telah diterangkan bahwa segala sesuatu selain لله pada hakikatnya adalah ‘adam apabila disandingkan dengan wujud لله.

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهوالواحد الذي ليس معه شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia adalah Dzat Yang Maha Esa yang tidak ada sesuatu yang menyertai-Nya. (Karena segala sesuatu selain Dia adalah sudah pasti ‘adam / nihil.

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء وهواقرب اليك من كل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal Dia lebih dekat kepadamu daripada segala sesuatu. (dikarenakan kesenantiasaan Dia meliputi engkau dan dikarenakan adanya Dia yang mengatur diri engkau.

كيف يتصور ان يحجبه شيء ولولاه ماكان وجود كل شيء

Bagaimana digambarkan bahwa Dia (لله) terhijab oleh sesuatu padahal kalau bukan karena Dia maka tidak akan terwujud segala sesuatu.

يا عجبا كيف يظهر الوجود فى العدم

Alangkah ajaib, bagaimana Yang Wujud akan tampak di dalam sesuatu yang tidak ada (kosong). (karena العدم adalah gelap, dan الوجود adalah terang. Dan keduanya adalah berlawanan sehingga tidak mungkin terkumpul keduanya.

ام كيف يثبت الحادث مع من له وصف القدم

Bagaimana sesuatu yang baru (الحدث) akan eksis disandingkan dengan Dzat Yang memiliki sifat Dahulu. (karena sesuatu yang bathil tidak akan eksis apabila tampak Yang Haq sebagaimana firman لله SWT :

وقل جاءالحق وزهق الباطل ان الباطل كان زهوقا

Katakanlah kepada mereka, telah datang kebenaran dan rusaklah yang bathil. Sesungguhnya yang bathil akan binasa.

Dan sebagaimana firman-Nya:

بل نقذف بالحق علي الباطل فيدمغه فاذ هو زاهق

Tetapi kebatilan kami halau dengan kebenaran sehingga menjadi sia-sia maka kemudian ia binasa.

Sumber Kitab Syarah al-Hikam


Akhenaton (rapper) convert to Islam

Akhenaton (real name Philippe Fragione, born 17 September 1968 in Marseille) is a French rapper and producer of French hip hop. He has also worked under the aliases Chill, AKH, Sentenza, and Spectre. He became famous as a member of the group IAM, and has since made a number of records, both with IAM and as a solo artist.

Akhenaton has also worked as a producer, producing songs for several French rappers and groups such as Passi, Stomy Bugsy, Chiens de Paille, Fonky Family, Freeman (a fellow member of IAM who has since made his break as a solo artist), La Brigade, Le 3ème Œil, etc. He is the creator of the record label Côté Obscur, the publishing house La Cosca, and the vinyl record label 361.


Akhenaton was born Philippe Fragione in Marseille on 17 September 1968, and spent his youth in Plan-de-Cuques, a small village on the outskirts of the city. In 1981, he discovered hip hop music and started traveling frequently to New York City where he received the nickname "Chill Phil". At about the same time, back in Marseille, he met Éric Mazel, a DJ who would later be known as Khéops. Mazel and Fragione started working together to advance the cause of French hip hop.

In 1988, Fragione debuted as a hip hop theorist, publishing the essay La deuxième génération du hip-hop (The second generation of hip-hop) in the fanzine Vé. The same year, he appeared on the B-side of the US rapper MC Choice's single "Let's Make Some Noise". Having returned to Marseille, he met Geoffroy Mussard (Shurik'n) and Malek Brahimi (Freeman). Fragione became known as Akhenaton, and together with Khéops and Shurik'n formed the group B.Boys Stance, renamed IAM in 1989. The group was later joined by Freeman, Imhotep and Kephren.

Four of the six members of IAM chose ancient Egyptian names as stage names. It should be noted that that Akhenaton also converted to Islam from Catholicism.[1] Musicologists argue that Akhenaton and the other members of IAM index the modern Arab world through the use of their names. Instead of overtly pointing out North African countries and the turmoil that has surrounded the contemporary Arab community, the Egyptian names allow the audience to covertly draw parallels between IAM and North Africa.[2].

Instead of focusing on violence and rebellion like many other French rappers, Akhenaton and IAM remain true to their hometown, Marseille. Violent protests, arson and looting have been prominent among French youth, but in Marseille rap has remained fairly innocuous. Akhenaton explains that rappers in Marseille are more socially conscious than most hip hop artists because they feel a strong sense of community.[3]

After IAM's first three albums' success, Akhenaton released his first solo album, Métèque et mat, in 1995. The album sold 300,000 copies, and it was followed by Sol Invictus in 2001. He began to delve into his other projects, such as producing Passi's album Les tentations (1997) and the 2001 film Comme un aimant. He continued working with IAM, releasing the album Revoir un printemps in 2003 and Saison 5 in 2007.

Radu cel Frumos

Radu cel Frumos (or Radu the Handsome), (c. 1437/1439 – 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad Ţepeş (Dracula) and voivode (prince) of the principality of Wallachia. They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul (Dracul : the dragon or devil), but by different mothers. They had two older brothers, Mircea II and Vlad Călugărul, both of whom would also rule Wallachia for a short period.

Life with the Ottomans

In 1444 Radu went with his father and elder brother Vlad Tepes to visit the Ottoman Sultan Murad in Adrianople, where they were kept as hostages as a part of a treaty signed by their father, while Mircea II ruled the kingdom in their absence. However, when Hungarian hero John Hunyadi defeated the Ottomans in battle, he replaced Mircea II and his father with Basarab II, son to Dan II of Wallachia.

The boys were taken to be held in the fortress at Egrigoz, but were not actually confined in a cell. However, it was still a delicate and potentially dangerous situation. Three years earlier, the sons of Serbian noble Đurađ Branković had their eyes burned out for being suspected of plotting an escape. The two brothers were later taken to be educated in logic, the Qur'an and the Turkish language. They were also trained in warfare and riding horses. The boys father, Vlad Dracul, was released quickly, in 1443, and with the support of the Ottomans he returned to Wallachia and took back his throne from Basarab II.

Struggles for the rule of Wallachia

Radu's older brother Mircea II, a capable military commander, had recaptured the fortress at Giurgiu in 1445, having the Ottoman prisoners executed by hacking them to death. Vlad Dracul did not take part in this campaign against the Ottomans so that he might retain the throne, but he was aware of it and had allowed his son Mircea II to lead the Wallachian forces. Later, Vlad Dracul had to sign yet another treaty with the Ottomans in which he had to return the fortress to the Ottomans in an effort to continue his rule as well as keep his captive sons safe.

In November, 1447, John Hunyadi launched an attack against Wallachia due to its being allied with the Ottomans by the treaties signed by Vlad Dracul. Radu's father fled, but Mircea II was captured by boyars from Tirgoviste, and had his eyes burned out and was buried alive. A short time after their father was captured and killed. Vlad Ţepeş was released in 1448, and was the Turks' candidate for the throne of Wallachia, the first of a succession of times he would hold the throne, holding it this first time for only a matter of months. Radu, however, fell to the seductions of the Ottoman court, and remained with the Turks for the moment, apparently of his own volition, and willingly converted to Islam.

Radu's brother Vlad Tepes later went on to take the throne from Vladislav II in 1456, and began his reign of terror for which he would become best known following this period. Like his older brother Mircea II, Vlad Tepes was an able military commander, and now found himself opposing the Ottomans, but fought successfully against them for a number of years. This was due in part to the fact that the Ottomans feared him due to his brutal tactics. However, in 1462 a massive Ottoman army marched against Wallachia, and Vlad Tepes fled to Transylvania. During his departure, he practiced a scorched earth policy, leaving nothing of importance to be used by the pursuing Ottoman army. When the Ottoman forces approached Tirgoviste, it was said that thousands of men and women were found to have been impaled along the roadside. [1]

Vlad then went into a guerilla campaign mode, destroying an Ottoman force commanded by Great Vizier Mahmed-Pasha in May, 1462, pursuing them in their retreat as far as the Danube. On June 16th and 17th, he again defeats a sizeable Ottoman force in what has become known as The Night Attack, which resulted in heavy casualties to the Ottoman army, as well as logistical losses. Until this time, Radu, by then 26 years of age, had been living in relative comfort in the Ottoman court.

The Ottomans placed Radu on the throne, and Vlad Tepes, with whom Radu was now an enemy, soon after began successful guerilla attacks against Radu's armies, launched from Vlad's mountain stronghold on the Arges River. Radu ruled from 1462 until 1473, with little to show for his reign. In 1473, Basarab Laiotă cel Bătrân (Basarab Laiotă the Old) took over the throne for a year; in the same year Radu regained the throne and retained it until the following year. During the course of 1474 Radu was Prince three times, and Basarab twice; by the end of that year Radu was Prince once more, and remained so until the following year when he died of syphillis, and was naturally succeeded by Basarab. Vlad Tepes would take the throne one last time, for a period of only a month, in 1476. [ref][/ref] Radu left a daughter, Maria Mangop Voichiţa, who afterwards became the wife of Stephen III of Moldavia.

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (born Chris Wayne Jackson on March 9, 1969 in Gulfport, Mississippi) is an American professional basketball player.


Playing career

POST LSU CAREER Converted to Islam in 1991 and changed name to Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf ... On March 12, 1996, the NBA suspended him without pay when he refused to abide by a league rule that requires "players to line up in a dignified posture for the anthem" ... Abdul-Rauf claimed that his Muslim beliefs precluded him from participating in the national anthem because the Koran forbids participation in any "nationalistic ritualism." ... After a one-game suspension, he agreed to stand and pray during the anthem ... Featured in an independent documentary, "Twitch and Shout," produced by two film makers with Tourette Syndrome from which he also suffers.

NBA CAREER (1990-2001) Scored 48 points in the third game of his NBA career on his way to averaging 14.1 points per game in 1990-91 for the Denver Nuggets ... Named to the NBA's All-Rookie Second Team ... Ranked second in the league in free throw shooting percentage (217 of 232, 93.5 percent) in 1992-93 ... Led the NBA in free throw shooting percentage in 1993-94, as the third-year player made 219 of 229 for 95.6 percent ... Scored 8,553 career points for a 14.6 points per game average in nine seasons ... Made 90.5 percent (1,051 of 1,161) of his career free throws with a 44.2 percent (3,514 of 7,943) field goal percentage ... Also shot 35.4 percent (474 of 1,339) from three-point range ... Tallied 1,087 career rebounds and 2,079 career assists with only 963 turnovers ... Played in 586 games, starting 336, with a total of 15,628 minutes played ... His career highs included 51 points (vs. Utah in 1995), 20 assists (at Phoenix in 1995) and nine rebounds (at Milwaukee in 1992) ... Appeared in 15 playoff games during his career, averaging 13.0 points and 2.3 assists per game. Played for Denver from 1990-96, then with the Sacramento Kings from 1996-98 before finishing his career with the Vancouver Grizzlies in the 2000-01 season.

1990 NBA DRAFT Became the fifth LSU men's basketball player to be selected in the first round of the NBA Draft, as the Denver Nuggets took him as the third overall pick ... Joined "Pistol" Pete Maravich (No. 3 by Atlanta Hawks, 1970), Howard Carter (No. 15 by Denver Nuggets, 1983), Jerry Reynolds (No. 22 by Milwaukee Bucks, 1985) and John Williams (No. 12 by Washington Bullets, 1986) as LSU's all-time NBA first-round picks (through 1990) ... Later, Stanley Roberts (No. 23 by Orlando Magic, 1991), Shaquille O'Neal (No. 1 by Orlando Magic, 1992), Geert Hammink (No. 26 by Orlando Magic, 1993) and Stromile Swift (No. 2 by Vancouver Grizzlies, 2000) were selected in the first round.

SOPHOMORE SEASON (1989-90) Left LSU after his sophomore season to pursue a career in professional basketball ... Named a First-Team All-American by the AP, United States Basketball Writers Association and Naismith ... Named to the All-America Second Team by the UPI, Basketball Times, Basketball Weekly and The Sporting News ... A unanimous First-Team All-SEC selection by the AP and Coaches, while being named the SEC Player of the Year for the second-straight time by the AP, UPI and Coaches ... Scored double figures in 63 of 64 career games, with more than 20 points 52 times, more than 30 points 28 times, more than 40 points 11 times and more than 50 points four times ... Led the Southeastern Conference in scoring (27.8) and free throw percentage (191 of 210, 91.0), while ranking second in three-pointers per game (2.8) ... Set school records for single-game three-pointers (10 vs. Tennessee on Feb. 10, 1990), career three-pointers (172 from 1988-90), single-season three-point attempts (246 in 1989-90), career three-point attempts (462 from 1988-90), consecutive free throws made (35) and single-season free throw percentage (.9095 in 1989-90) ... Finished his career ranked sixth in LSU history in scoring (1,854), second in scoring average (29.0), sixth in field goals made (664), eighth in free throws made (354), second in free-throw percentage (86.3) and fifth in three-point field goal percentage (37.2).

FRESHMAN SEASON (1988-89) Recorded the best freshman season in the history of NCAA basketball, as he set the NCAA record for points by a freshman (965), average points by a freshman (30.2) and single-game points by a freshman (55 at Ole Miss on March 4, 1989) ... Became the second freshman to make the Associated Press All-America First Team and the first to be named All-America by the United States Basketball Writers of America ... Also garnered First-Team All-America honors from The Sporting News and the United Press International ... Became the first Tiger since Rudy Macklin (1981) to be named First-Team All-America ... Was a finalist for the Eastman Award and was third in voting for the AP National Player of the Year award ... Named the Southeastern Conference Player of the Year by the AP, UPI and the Coaches, and was a member of the Knoxville News-Sentinal SEC All-Freshman Team ... Won five Jefferson Pilot Rookie of the Week awards and three JP Player of the Week awards .. Was also the ESPN co-Sports Person of the Week and Sports Illustrated Player of the Week ... Won Dick Vitale's "Windex Player of the Week" award ... Led the SEC in scoring (30.2) and free-throw percentage (81.5) ... Twice set Maravich Assembly Center scoring records, hitting 48 against Louisiana Tech on Dec. 6, 1988, and then 50 against Tennessee on Feb. 11, 1989 ... Was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated on Feb. 20, 1989, and on the cover of The Sporting News ... His SEC scoring title was the 12th in LSU basketball history since 1933 ... Scored 48 points in the third game of his collegiate career against Louisiana Tech, hitting 18-of-29 field goals ... Two games later, scored 53 against Florida behind a 16-of-17 performance at the free throw line ... Became the first LSU player since "Pistol" Pete Maravich to score 50 points in a game ... Set the school record for single-game three-pointers and three-pointers attempted (9 of 20) at Ole Miss on March 4 ... Posted one double double with 48 points and 10 assists against Florida on March 1, 1989.

PRE-LSU Earned McDonald's, Parade and Dapper-Dan All-America honors at Gulfport High School in Gulfport, Miss. ... Named the Mississippi Player of the Year in 1987-88 and the Gatorade Mississippi State Player of the Year ... Averaged 29.9 points and 5.7 assists during his senior season ... Also participated in track and field.

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