Muhammad bin Al-Khidir Al-Husaini mengatakan, bahwa ia pernah mendengar ayahnya bercerita,”Jika Syaikh Abdul Qadir memberikan pelajaran berbagai disiplin ilmu di majlisnya, tidak pernah perkataannya terputus. Apabila beliau naik ke atas kursinya, tidak ada seorangpun yang berani meludah, mendengus, berdehem, berbicara maupun maju ke tengah majlis karena kharisma beliau. Ketika beliau berkata ‘telah lewat القال dan masukkan kami ke dalam الحال’ maka orang-orangpun terguncang dan seorang demi seorang masuk ke dalam الحال dan الوجد (kegairahan).
Diantara karamahnya adalah orang yang jauh sekalipun dapat mendengar perkataan beliau. Beliau sering berbicara berdasarkan apa yang terbetik di dalam hati orang-orang yang hadir dan memberikan arahan kepada mereka dengan kasyaf beliau.
Jika beliau bangkit dari kursinya, geagungannya membuat orang-orang yang hadir ikut berdiri. Karismanya membuat semua orang hening ketika beliau memerintahkan mereka untuk diam sampai yang terdengar hanya hembusan nafas mereka. Tangan orang-orang yag hadir dalam majlisnya sampai bersentuhan dengan kaki orang lain. Beliau mengenali mereka hanya dengan memegang tanpa harus melihat. Mereka yang hadir terkadang mendengar bisikan dan teriakan di udara bahkan jubah yang jatuh dari langit. Mereka adalah para رجال الغيب dan yang lainnya”.
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Sa’id Al-Qailawi,”lebih dari sekali aku melihat رسول الله SAW dan para nabi lainnya. Arwah para nabi berpusar mengelilingi majlisnya baik di langit maupun di bumi bak angin yang berpusar di ufuk. Aku juga melihat malaikat menghadiri majlisnya kelompok demi kelompok. Para رجال الغيب saling berlomba untuk menghadiri majlisnya. Akupun sering melihat Abu Abbas Al-Khidir AS menghadiri majlisnya. Ketika aku bertanya kepadanya, beliau AS menjawab, “Siapa saja yang menginginkan kesuksesan hendaknya terus mengikuti majlis ini”.
Suatu ketika seorang raja Ajam /non arab berusaha menyerang Baghdad dengan mengerahkan tentara dalam jumlah yang besar sehingga sang khalifah tidak dapat mengatasinya. Kemudian sang khalifah pergi menemui Syaikh Abdul Qadir memohon pertolongannya. Sang syaikh berkata kepada syaikh Ali bin Al-Hitti, “Perintahkan mereka untuk mundur dari Baghdad”. “Saya laksanakan”. Jawab Syaikh Ali. Kemuidan Syaikh Ali memerintahkan pelayannya untuk pergi ke tempat tentara tersebut. “Pergi ke tempat tentara itu dan terus berjalan hingga sampai ke ujung. Engkau akan menemui sebuah tenda yang menjulang tinggi di atas batang kayu dijaga oleh tiga orang di bawahnya. Katakan kepada mereka,’Ali bin Al-Hitti memerintahkan kalian untuk segera meninggalkan Baghdad’. Jika mereka menjawab,’Kami tidak akan melaksanakannya kecuali kami mendapat perintah’, maka katakan kepada mereka, ‘Aku juga tidak akan mendatangi kalian kecuali karena mendapat perintah’”.
Si pelayan mentaati perintah tuannya dan pergi ke tentara tersebut dan mengabarkan apa yang diperintahkan tuannya. Kemudian setelah berlangsung tanya jawab, salah seorang yang berada di bawah kemah tersebut mencabut tiangnya sehingga kemah tersebut turun lalu berangkat pergi menuju negaranya, diikuti oleh semua tentaranya.
Syaikh Muhammad bin Al-harawi berkata, “suatu ketika Syaikh Abdul Qadir tenggelam dalam kondiisi spiritual ketika beliau menyampaikan pelajaran di dalam majlisnya, beliau berkata, “Jika الله SWT ingin mengirimkan burung hijau untuk ikut mendengarkan majlisku, Dia pasti melakukannya”. Belum sesaat pernyataan tersebut diucapkan, seekor burung hijau yang cantik masuk ke dalam jubahnya dan tidak pernah keluar kembali.
Al-jaba’i meriwayatkan, bahwa Syaikh Abdul Qadir pernah berkisah, “Seorang pria bernama syaikh Yusuf Al-Hamdany yang disebut-sebut sebagai qutb datang ke Baghdad dan tinggal di ribath. Mendengar hal tersebut akupun mengunjunginya. Sebelum aku menemuinya, seseorang berkata kepadaku bahwa dia berada di ruang bawah tanah. Ketika aku menemuinya, dia bangkit memegang tanganku dan mendudukkanku di sebelahnya. Rasa gugupnya membuat gigiku gemeletukan.
Kemudian beliau bercerita kepadaku tentang semua kondisi spiritual yang beliau alami dan menerangkan kepadaku berbagai hal yang sulit aku pahami. Lalu beliau berkata kepadaku,”Abdul Qadir, bicaralah kepada orang-orang”. “Tuanku, aku ini hanya orang Ajam / non arab, bagaimana mungkin aku berbicara di depan orang-orang yang fasih “. Jawabku. Mendengar itu beliau berkata, “Engkau hafal Al-Qur’an, fiqih, usul fiqih, dan perbandingan mahzab, tafsir dan sastra. Semua itu membuat engkau sudah layak berbicara dihadapan orang banyak. Sesungguhnya aku melihat dirimu kurma yang belum matang.”
Syaiikh Abu Madyan bin Syuaib berkat, “Ketika aku bertemu dengan Al-Khidr AS aku bertanya tentang para syaikh (wali الله) dari barat sampai timur saat ini . ketika aku bertanya tentang Syaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilli beliau AS berkata, “Beliau adalah imam golongan As-Shidq, hujjah bagi kaum ‘arif,. Dia adalah roh dalam ma’irfah dan posisinya dibandingkan dengan para wali lainya adalah al-qurbah (kedekatan). “
Syaikh Muhammad bin Harawi berkata, “suatu hari ketika sang syaikh berbicara di majlisnya beliau terdiam beberapa saat kemudian berkata,”Jika aku menginginkan الله SWT mengirimkan burung hijau yang akan mendengarkan perkataanku maka Ia akan mengabulkannya’. Sekejab kemudian majlis tersebut dipenuhi oleh burung berwarna hijau yang dapat dilihat oleh semua yang hadir’.
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How Baha'is View Islam
"Blessing and peace be upon Him [Muhammad] through Whose advent Bathá [Mecca] is wreathed in smiles, and the sweet savours of Whose raiment have shed fragrance upon all mankind-- He Who came to protect men from that which would harm them in the world below. Exalted, immensely exalted is His station above the glorification of all beings and sanctified from the praise of the entire creation. Through His advent the tabernacle of stability and order was raised throughout the world and the ensign of knowledge hoisted among the nations. May blessings rest also upon His kindred and His companions through whom the standard of the unity of God and of His singleness was uplifted and the banners of celestial triumph were unfurled. Through them the religion of God was firmly established among His creatures and His Name magnified amidst His servants."- Tablets of Baha'u'llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 162
Even though the Baha'i Faith is an independent religion and is not a sect of Islam, we find in the writings of Shoghi Effendi (the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith 1921-1957), much emphasis on the need for Baha'is to help correct the many mistaken views about Islam, held by the majority of people in the West:
'There is so [much] misunderstanding about Islam in the West in general that you have to dispel. Your task is rather difficult and requires a good deal of erudition. Your chief task is to acquaint the friends with the pure teaching of the Prophet [Muhammad] as recorded in the Qur'án, and then to point out how these teachings have, throughout succeeding ages, influenced[,] nay[,] guided the course of human development. In other words you have to show the position and significance of Islam in the history of civilization.'- Shoghi Effendi, (the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith). Lights of Guidance, New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 2nd rev. and enlarged edition, 1988, #1664.
'The mission of the American Bahá'ís is, no doubt to eventually establish the truth of Islam in the West.' - Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, #1665.
On the importance of the study of Islam to Bahá'ís, the Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, said that for 'a proper and sound understanding of the Cause' its study was 'absolutely indispensable.'- Lights of Guidance, #1903.
The Faith standing identified with the name of Bahá'u'lláh disclaims any intention to belittle any of the Prophets gone before Him, to whittle down any of their teachings, to obscure, however slightly, the radiance of their Revelations, to oust them from the hearts of their followers, to abrogate the fundamentals of their doctrines, to discard any of their revealed Books, or to suppress the legitimate aspirations of their adherents. Repudiating the claim of any religion to be the final revelation of God to man, disclaiming finality for His own Revelation, Bahá'u'lláh inculcates the basic principle of the relativity of religious truth, the continuity of Divine Revelation, the progressiveness of religious experience. His aim is to widen the basis of all revealed religions and to unravel the mysteries of their scriptures. He insists on the unqualified recognition of the unity of their purpose, restates the eternal verities they enshrine, coordinates their functions, distinguishes the essential and the authentic from the nonessential and spurious in their teachings, separates the God-given truths from the priest-prompted superstitions, and on this as a basis proclaims the possibility, and even prophecies the inevitability, of their unification, and the consummation of their highest hopes.
As to Muhammad, the Apostle of God, let none among His followers who read these pages, think for a moment that either Islám, or its Prophet, or His Book, or His appointed Successors, or any of His authentic teachings, have been, or are to be in any way, or to however slight a degree, disparaged. The lineage of the Báb, the descendant of the Imám Husayn; the divers and striking evidences, in Nabíl's Narrative, of the attitude of the Herald of our Faith towards the Founder, the Imáms, and the Book of Islám; the glowing tributes paid by Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitáb-i-Íqán to Muhammad and His lawful Successors, and particularly to the "peerless and incomparable" Imám Husayn; the arguments adduced, forcibly, fearlessly, and publicly by `Abdu'l-Bahá, in churches and synagogues, to demonstrate the validity of the Message of the Arabian Prophet; and last but not least the written testimonial of the Queen of Rumania, who, born in the Anglican faith and notwithstanding the close alliance of her government with the Greek Orthodox Church, the state religion of her adopted country, has, largely as a result of the perusal of these public discourses of `Abdu'l-Bahá, been prompted to proclaim her recognition of the prophetic function of Muhammad-- all proclaim, in no uncertain terms, the true attitude of the Bahá'í Faith towards its parent religion.
The Continuity of Revelation (continued)
"God," is her royal tribute, "is All, everything. He is the power behind all beginnings.... His is the Voice within us that shows us good and evil. But mostly we ignore or misunderstand this voice. Therefore, did He choose His Elect to come down amongst us upon earth to make clear His Word, His real meaning. Therefore, the Prophets; therefore, Christ, Muhammad, Bahá'u'lláh, for man needs from time to time a voice upon earth to bring God to him, to sharpen the realization of the existence of the true God. Those voices sent to us had to become flesh, so that with our earthly ears we should be able to hear and understand."
What greater proof, it may be pertinently asked, can the divines of either Persia or Turkey require wherewith to demonstrate the recognition by the followers of Bahá'u'lláh of the exalted position occupied by the Prophet Muhammad among the entire company of the Messengers of God? What greater service do these divines expect us to render the Cause of Islám? What greater evidence of our competence can they demand than that we should kindle, in quarters so far beyond their reach, the spark of an ardent and sincere conversion to the truth voiced by the Apostle of God, and obtain from the pen of royalty this public, and indeed historic, confession of His God-given Mission? ...
Indeed, the essential prerequisites of admittance into the Bahá'í fold of Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, and the followers of other ancient faiths, as well as of agnostics and even atheists, is the wholehearted and unqualified acceptance by them all of the divine origin of both Islám and Christianity, of the Prophetic functions of both Muhammad and Jesus Christ, of the legitimacy of the institution of the Imamate, and of the primacy of St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles. Such are the central, the solid, the incontrovertible principles that constitute the bedrock of Bahá'í belief, which the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh is proud to acknowledge, which its teachers proclaim, which its apologists defend, which its literature disseminates, which its summer schools expound, and which the rank and file of its followers attest by both word and deed.
Nor should it be thought for a moment that the followers of Bahá'u'lláh either seek to degrade or even belittle the rank of the world's religious leaders, whether Christian, Muslim, or of any other denomination, should their conduct conform to their professions, and be worthy of the position they occupy. "Those divines," Bahá'u'lláh has affirmed, "...who are truly adorned with the ornament of knowledge and of a goodly character are, verily, as a head to the body of the world, and as eyes to the nations. The guidance of men hath, at all times, been and is dependent upon these blessed souls." And again: "The divine whose conduct is upright, and the sage who is just, are as the spirit unto the body of the world. Well is it with that divine whose head is attired with the crown of justice, and whose temple is adorned with the ornament of equity." And yet again: "The divine who hath seized and quaffed the most holy Wine, in the name of the sovereign Ordainer, is as an eye unto the world. Well is it with them who obey him, and call him to remembrance." "Great is the blessedness of that divine," He, in another connection, has written, "that hath not allowed knowledge to become a veil between him and the One Who is the Object of all knowledge, and who, when the Self-Subsisting appeared, hath turned with a beaming face towards Him. He, in truth, is numbered with the learned. The inmates of Paradise seek the blessing of his breath, and his lamp sheddeth its radiance over all who are in heaven and on earth. He, verily, is numbered with the inheritors of the Prophets. He that beholdeth him hath, verily, beheld the True One, and he that turneth towards him hath, verily, turned towards God, the Almighty, the All-Wise." "Respect ye the divines amongst you," is His exhortation, "They whose acts conform to the knowledge they possess, who observe the statutes of God, and decree the things God hath decreed in the Book. Know ye that they are the lamps of guidance betwixt earth and heaven. They that have no consideration for the position and merit of the divines amongst them have, verily, altered the bounty of God vouchsafed unto them."- The Promised Day Is Come, by Shoghi Effendi, p. 108
Let none, however, mistake my purpose, or misrepresent this cardinal truth which is of the essence of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh. The divine origin of all the Prophets of God--including Jesus Christ and the Apostle of God, the two greatest Manifestations preceding the Revelation of the Báb--is unreservedly and unshakably upheld by each and every follower of the Bahá'í religion. The fundamental unity of these Messengers of God is clearly recognized, the continuity of their Revelations is affirmed, the God-given authority and correlative character of their Books is admitted, the singleness of their aims and purposes is proclaimed, the uniqueness of their influence emphasized, the ultimate reconciliation of their teachings and followers taught and anticipated. "They all," according to Bahá'u'lláh's testimony, "abide in the same tabernacle, soar in the same heaven, are seated upon the same throne, utter the same speech, and proclaim the same Faith."
Sabtu, 20 September 2008
Jika الله SWT ingin mengirimkan burung hijau untuk ikut mendengarkan majlisku, Dia pasti melakukannya
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